Tyler is very attentive to Alivia's needs.
When she wakes up he tells me..when she fusses he tells me..when she falls asleep he tells me...
He hugs her daily and gives her kisses...
He is a very good big brother! We are very proud of him!
The first day Alivia was home.
Tyler got to hold her (with our help)
Little Peanut
Tyler loves his little sister
We bought Tyler a book called The Big Sibling Book
It's where he can record his thoughts and feelings about his baby sister. I would like to share some of those thoughts.
Q: "When I found out about all of this, I was quite:
A: "Confused, not so happy, sad because I wanted a brother"
Comment: "Now I get to tell..."
(Tyler response) God because he knows all about babies"
Q: "So you're going to be a big "BROTHER" in about 2 months. How do you feel about that?"
A: "Good, happy, no frowning"
Q: "You're officially a big "BROTHER" now! How do you feel about that?"
A: "Ah, I don't feel like a brother"
I will put other comments up when we get them filled out.